Demos of Evolutionary Algorithms

moving optimum, Fletcher-Powell, displayed as
GIF sequence (~1.5M)
MPG film (~1.2M)

optimization of a two-phase nozzle, displayed as
GIF sequence (~2.1M)
MPG film (~1M)

binary optimization of SUM (i=1, 256, x(i))

MPG film (~3.4M)

binary optimization of PROD (i=1, 256, x(i))

MPG film (~8.6M)

workbench of optimization routines
(ANSI C, unpacking and "make" should do the job ...)

wbench.tgz (87K)

Multilayer Optical Coatings, ES (M. Schütz)

Map Labelling, ES (M. Preuß)

Multimodal Function, ES (M. Emmerich)

cumulative selection, ES (N. Chen, C. Kurzke)

maximum of f(x,y), ES, (B. Griener, C. Nastvogel)

prism-problem, ES and GA (C. Jacobs / H. Hadler)

system-of-pipes-problem, ES and GA (C. Jacobs / H. Hadler)

brachystochrone-problem, ES and GA (C. Jacobs / H. Hadler)

magic-square-problem, ES and GA (C. Jacobs / H. Hadler)

the last four demos + TSP, Multi-ES and Multi-GA (C. Jacobs / H.Hadler)

Genetic Algorithm (M. Ramsey)

Multiobjective GA for the 0/1 Knapsack Problem (E. Zitzler)

simple regression using GP (H. Gerber)

©Frank Kursawe,